Experimente também o delicioso Vegeburguer, robusto como um hambúrguer e leve como um sanduíche natural. Você pode montar seu próprio lanche, combinando as três opções de hamburguer (feijão com pimenta, grão de bico e cenoura com amendoim) com os três tipos de molho (tomate, homus e guacamole). A torrada leva creme de aipim, tomate e orégano.
No Café Bonobo você também encontra o Enrolado, uma espécie de burrito com abobrinha e pimentão grelhados com homus e manjericão.
Para beber, há ainda chás, licor, vinho, cervejas artesanais, cachaça orgânica, shakes e vitaminas sem leite, e diversas opções de suco, como couve com limão, uva e o ótimo suco de banana, limão e gengibre. E, claro, café.
Uma curiosidade: o Bonobo oferece todo dia o "bolo sem preço". É um bolo que o cliente decide quanto quer pagar, depositando a quantia que achar justa diretamente em um recipiente. (Em 2010, o Bonobo inovou com o "dia sem preço": por um dia, o preço de todos os itens do menu ficou a cargo do cliente)
Além do cardápio rico em opções, o Bonobo também abriga exposições de arte e cursos de culinária. Uma biblioteca de qualidade, que conta com obras em inglês, francês e espanhol é um dos diferenciais.
O que: Café Bonobo
Categoria: VEGANO
Categoria: VEGANO
Onde: Rua Castro Alves, 101 - Bom Fim -Porto Alegre
Quando: de quarta a sábado das 18h às 22h.
Fone: (51) 3013-1464
Quando: de quarta a sábado das 18h às 22h.
Fone: (51) 3013-1464
One of the few Vegan places in Porto Alegre is Café Bonobo.
In a first visit, what stands out is the decor, at the same time alternative, warm and sophisticated, with wooden tables and chairs, sofas and armchairs displayed in two rooms , posters on the walls and full bookshelves. But after placing your order you pay attention only to the food. As an entrée you can choose mini toasts with guacamole, hommus or babaganush or bruschetta (toasted bread with tomato sauce, basil, olive oil and garlic).
From their all-organic menu, you should try the delicious Vegeburger, sturdy like a hamburger and light like sandwich course. You can build your own burger, combining the three choices of patties (chili beans; chickpeas; carrots and peanut) with three types of sauce (tomato, hommus and guacamole) and the two kinds of bread (white or whole wheat). The “torrada” is a grilled sandwich with cassava cream, tomatoes and oregano.
There you can also find the “enrolado”, a kind of burrito with grilled zucchini and peppers with hummus and basil.
For dessert, there are excellent options. The banana crepe with cocoa and hazelnut cream is something special: fully meets your needs of glucose, even being incredibly light. There are also ice cream of strawberry, raspberry, peanut butter, banana and a special flavor, the Bonobo: cocoa, banana and nuts. Be sure to save a place for the amazingly delicious brownie with ice cream.
To drink, there is tea, wine, craft beers, organic cachaca, milk shakes and vitamins, and a choice of juice, like lemon with kale, grape and the excellent banana, lemon and ginger. And of course, coffee.
A curiosity: the Bonobo offers every day the " priceless cake." It is a cake (always a different flavor) that the customer decides how much he or she wants to pay for by depositing the amount directly in a container. (From 2010, the Bonobo has innovated with the "priceless day": for a day, the price of all items on the menu was up to the customer)
In addition to the rich menu of options, the Bonobo also houses art exhibitions and cookery courses. A library of quality, which includes works in English, French and Spanish is one of its many surprises.
In a first visit, what stands out is the decor, at the same time alternative, warm and sophisticated, with wooden tables and chairs, sofas and armchairs displayed in two rooms , posters on the walls and full bookshelves. But after placing your order you pay attention only to the food. As an entrée you can choose mini toasts with guacamole, hommus or babaganush or bruschetta (toasted bread with tomato sauce, basil, olive oil and garlic).
From their all-organic menu, you should try the delicious Vegeburger, sturdy like a hamburger and light like sandwich course. You can build your own burger, combining the three choices of patties (chili beans; chickpeas; carrots and peanut) with three types of sauce (tomato, hommus and guacamole) and the two kinds of bread (white or whole wheat). The “torrada” is a grilled sandwich with cassava cream, tomatoes and oregano.
There you can also find the “enrolado”, a kind of burrito with grilled zucchini and peppers with hummus and basil.
For dessert, there are excellent options. The banana crepe with cocoa and hazelnut cream is something special: fully meets your needs of glucose, even being incredibly light. There are also ice cream of strawberry, raspberry, peanut butter, banana and a special flavor, the Bonobo: cocoa, banana and nuts. Be sure to save a place for the amazingly delicious brownie with ice cream.
To drink, there is tea, wine, craft beers, organic cachaca, milk shakes and vitamins, and a choice of juice, like lemon with kale, grape and the excellent banana, lemon and ginger. And of course, coffee.
A curiosity: the Bonobo offers every day the " priceless cake." It is a cake (always a different flavor) that the customer decides how much he or she wants to pay for by depositing the amount directly in a container. (From 2010, the Bonobo has innovated with the "priceless day": for a day, the price of all items on the menu was up to the customer)
In addition to the rich menu of options, the Bonobo also houses art exhibitions and cookery courses. A library of quality, which includes works in English, French and Spanish is one of its many surprises.
What: Café Bonobo
Category: VEGAN
Where: Rua Castro Alves, 101 - Bom Fim -Porto Alegre, Brazil
When: wednesday to saturday, from 6pm tp 10pm.
Phone: (51) 3013-1464
When: wednesday to saturday, from 6pm tp 10pm.
Phone: (51) 3013-1464
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