e também pelo facebook: http://www.facebook.com/vivavegan.veganos)
O bar está fechado
O Bar da Gringa (cujo nome oficial é Lancheria Prat Bruger) é um achado, ainda mais para quem mora a dois minutos dali, como eu.
Você passa pela frente e não dá nada, pois nada indica que servem algo diferente dos outros tantos botecos engordurados do Centro Histórico.
Mas por alguma razão (sexto sentido?) você entra e percebe que não é assim tão engordurado (parece que ela faxina o local três vezes ao dia) e que, em meio aos cartazes com fotos de boazudas vendendo cerveja, tem esse mural atípico na parede, com DVDs sobre ecologia, convites para a Massa Crítica, matérias de jornal e anúncios de adoção de animais.
Você então desvia o olhar um pouco mais para a esquerda e se depara com este outro:

O que: Lancheria Prat Burguer
Categoria: Onívoro
Categoria: Onívoro
Onde: Rua Vasco Alves 456 (esquina com Rua Demétrio Ribeiro) - Centro
Quando: De Segunda a Sexta, das 10h às 23h
Quando: De Segunda a Sexta, das 10h às 23h
Fone: (51) 3029.5097
English version:
Gringa’s Bar (its official name is Lancheria Prat Burger) is unique, even more to those who live two minutes from the place, like myself.
English version:
Gringa’s Bar (its official name is Lancheria Prat Burger) is unique, even more to those who live two minutes from the place, like myself.
It has an easy-to-miss ordinary facade and nothing indicates they serve anything different from all other cheap greasy bars in Centro Historico District, Porto Alegre.
But for no special reason (sixth sense, perhaps) you go inside to check it out and realise it is not as greasy as you would imagine (they sey Gringa cleans the place up three times a day). You also notice that, amid the many posters of beer brands showing quite extrovert women, there is an unusual panel on the wall with DVDs on ecology, invitations to the Critical Mass, newspaper articles and signs with animals for adoption.
Still puzzled, you look a little more to your left and you see an even more unexpected sign: the vegan menu.
Even though Gringa’s Bar is not even a vegetarian restaurant, you can find lots of vegan options there. There are four kinds of burgers: Traditional (soy patty, tomato, lettuce, veg mayo and palm), Stroganoff (stroganoff, tomato, lettuce, veg mayo and mushrooms), Avaneiro (veggie patty, tomato, lettuce and roasted bananas), California (soy patty, lettuce, tomato, peach, pineapple and figs). At lunch time there are even more reasons for the vegan fella to be rejoiced, the a la minuta, one of the most traditional Brazilian plates, appreciated by all kinds of people, from construction workers to CEOs: rice, black beans, salad, fries and a “meat” option, ranging from soy steak with onions, meatloaf with tomato sauce, stroganoff and pancakes.
Hold on, cause the menu is not finished yet. Apart from the regular meals, Gringa also bakes pasteis, potato cakes and delicious chocolate sweets. Another dessert is wine sagoo. At happy hour you can drink a cold beer with French fries or cassava fries. While you wait to be served (be patient if the place is crowded: Gringa makes EVERYTHING by herself, with no helpers in the kitchen), you may like to read some of the many issues of Vegetarians Magazine, available for all customers.
Another peculiarity of Gringa’s Bar is the eclecticism of its customers, ranging from groups of starving cyclists (right after the Critical Mass, on the last Friday of the month, the place gets crowded), teachers, artists, anarchists, students, writers, members of animal rights organizations etc.
What: Lancheria Prat Burguer
Category: Omnivore
Category: Omnivore
Where: Rua Vasco Alves 456 (esquina com Rua Demétrio Ribeiro) - Centro, Porto Alegre
When: Monday to Friday, 10am to 11pm
Phone: (51) 3029.5097When: Monday to Friday, 10am to 11pm
A Gringa mudou-se eu gostaria de obter o novo endereço?
ResponderExcluirMeu nome é Silvia
E-mail: silvia-regina.olveira@serpro.gov.br ou sisiayala@gmail.com
Olá Silvia. Infelizmente o Bar da Gringa, desde que fechou as portas na Vasco Alves, ainda não conta com novo endereço.
ResponderExcluirAqui há um post de despedida para o Bar: